3. Once you're in the "Language & Text" Pane, under the "Language" tab, click the "Edit List..." button.

4. This brings up the "Language List". There are 139 languages you can choose from in OSX (very cool)! Now, for our purposes we're going to DESELECT everything except English and Arabic...

5. Go back to the "Language & Text" Pane. Under the "Input Sources" tab is where you select which keyboards you want to use. There are 145 to choose from! "U.S." will be selected by default, find and select "Arabic".
Make sure that "Keyboard & Character Viewer" is selected.
This is important; make sure that "Show Input menu in menu bar" is also selected!

6. If you've pulled it off, you should see a little American Flag in the upper right-hand corner of your Menu bar. Clicking on the flag brings down this menu:

7. Click "Show Keyboard Viewer" to bring up the software keyboard. Experiment going back and forth between English and Arabic. Have Fun!!